Chinese Language Modules


Welcome to our Chinese modules. Here we have a lot of resources for you to learn regarding interviews in Chinese. 

In the Chinese language modules, you will listen to three interviews of speakers from three different professions. Each of them answers some similar questions and some different ones. We break the entire interviews into 8 to 9 shorter video clips based on the topics. You will find them easy to follow and navigate.

This self-learning module for Chinese professionals is created by Dr. Miaochun Wei, a teaching assistant professor in the Chinese language at the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at The George Washington University. If you have any questions on the materials, please contact Dr. Wei at [email protected].

This project was made possible by the National Resource Center (NRC) program of the U.S. Department of Education.

Practice is always key to successful learning. All these interviews start with a self-introduction. After viewing those interviewees of different professions, can you come up with your own self-introduction between 1 to 2 minutes, one slightly longer than an elevator self-introduction? Make sure you include these aspects in the self-introduction: (1) name(s), (2) nickname (if this matters to you and the intended audience), (3) where you are from, (4) your occupation(s) and where you work, (5) major/minor/concentration, and (6) hobbies and interests.

Now, try it yourself.


During the interview

Interviews are at least two parties talking in turns. There are some common and useful questions for both interviewers and interviewees to gather more information.

Interviewers often use the following questions and requests for clarification or to press for more information:

  • 可以请你(针对/就+topic)举个例子吗?/可以請你(針對/就+topic)舉個例子嗎?

Could you give an example on the topic?

  • (关于+topic),(能不能请你)具体地多说明一下?/(關於+topic),(能不能請你)具體地多說明一下?

As for/Regarding the topic, could you specifically illustrate more?

  • (你所谓的)topic(指)的是什么意思?/(你所謂的)topic(指)是什麼意思?

What do you mean by topic?

  • 你能不能清楚地解释一下topic?/你能不能清楚地解釋一下?

Can you explain + topic clearly?

Interviewees can use a general structure for answers, that is, (1) a brief introduction with the main idea, (2) supporting details, (3) examples, and (4) conclusion/rephrasing the main idea.

Try these topics and see if you can break your answer down by following the structure.

  • 请你介绍一下你居住的城市,请就三方面讨论一下:气候、人们的饮食习惯、交通。/請你介紹一下你居住的城市,請就三方面討論一下:氣候、人們的飲食習慣、交通。
  • 对你来说,学中文的好处是什么?学中文的时候,有什么主要的困难,你是怎么克服的?/對你來說,學中文的好處是什麼?學中文的時候,有什麼主要的困難,你是怎麼克服的?
  • 你去[中国(或者某一个地方、国家)]的时候,你印象最深刻的是什么?为什么?跟你的国家、家乡有什么不同?/你去[中國(或者某一個地方、國家)]的時候,你印象最深刻的是什麼?為什麼?跟你的國家、家鄉有什麼不同?

Following the structure and breaking your answer down can not only make your answer more organized but also help the listener(s) follow your answer more easily with all these elements.

Useful expressions in conversation
These expressions appear in our interviews, which are common in conversations. Use them to
make your speech smooth for transitions and allow you a bit more time to think about your
response during the conversation.
• (故事/事情)是这样的……
It is like this…. (As a beginning of a lengthy story/explanation during a conversation.)
-故事是这样的,那个非常突然,我们就去那个urgent care,那个人说,你这个情况非常
• (你)可以这样理解、我是这样理解的、Sb的理解是……
You/One can understand it this way. This is my understanding. Sb’s understanding (about
something) is that… (It usually appears at the beginning of an explanation or at the end of it.)
• 你刚才说了;就您所说;你刚才提到的,statement/question
You just said; According to what you say; what you just mentioned, ….
• 就是 (说),……
That is (to say), … (This is common in the Chinese conversation as one of the most frequent
fillers to clarify/elaborate on an idea/concept that is previously mentioned.)
-大华府,就是DMV 地区的这些华人,他们的生活方式,就是比方说:吃、喝、玩、乐相
• 一些、一点、什么+noun
Some, a bit, some + N. (This is a common expression to downgrade the extent of the object
after it to a less formal extent. One may often hear this in a request or imperative scenario with
an informal and/or friendly tone)
• 怎么说(呢)?
What do you call it? How do you put it? (A useful expression when people try to come up with
the expression/word in a conversation.)
• 实话实说、说白了、说实话
To be honest with you; to tell the truth
• 也就是说、也可以说
That is to say; namely
• ~的意思就是(说/指)+explanation/definition
What ~ means is that + explanation/definition
• 不完全是这样
Not exactly (as what you said)
• 不能完全說(是)+clarification
It is not exactly correct to say that…
• Topic, (Sb 就)不好说
As for topic, it is not easy to say (for Sb).
• 大体上来说、总的来说、一般来说
Generally speaking, …
• 你的意思是+clarification;clarification,是这个意思吗?
You mean that... (statement for clarification to make sure that you follow the speaker’s idea)
• 顾名思义
Just as its name implies; as the term suggests; from its name may be derived its meaning.; the very name suggests that… (Literary meaning: Seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its
• 相对来说
Comparatively speaking; in relative terms