Korean Language Modules
Welcome to our Korean modules. Here we have a lot of resources for you to begin learning and practicing Korean.
In the Korean language modules, you will listen to three interviews with speakers from three different professions. Each of them answers some similar questions and some different ones. We break the entire interviews into 8 to 9 shorter video clips based on the topics. You will find them easy to follow and navigate.
To teach business languages effectively, instructors need excellent materials with well-conceived tasks that help students practice new vocabulary and grammatical forms while learning skills and knowledge related to the business context. The following business language courses and modules, developed by GW faculty with GW-CIBER funding, fill the need for such materials.
Business Language Modules
Business Language Modules are shorter units (about two to three weeks long) that can function independently as “chapters” either within an existing business language course or in any intermediate-level (third-year) business course.

Miok Pak
Assistant Professor, Korean Linguistics and Language
Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, George Washington University
GW Korean Program
Listen to Prof. Miok Park discuss the student experience for the Korean Language Program here at GW. Listen for the challenges and expectations students may face during their time studying.
Sunae Park Evans
Senior Costume Conservator
Smithsonian National Museum of American History
Museum Collections
Listen to a costume conservator from the Smithsonian discuss her work with museum collections. Listen for her experiences and opinions about one of the most popular collections in the museum.
Sanghwa Park
Director, Korean Education Center
Overseas Korean Language Education
Listen to the director of the Korean Education Center in Washington DC, discuss the aims and goals of the Korean government. Listen for key reasons why the Korean government has been supporting overseas Korean Language Education.