Japanese Language Module 1.1

Japanese Language Module 1

Meet the Speaker

Dr. Toshihisa Matsui

Dr. Matsui studies cloud-precipitation processes associated with aerosols, land-surface, and the large-scale environment through mesoscale meteorological models, remote sensing, and instrumental simulators. He is the key developer of the Unified Goddard Cumulus Ensemble (GCE) model, the NASA-Unified Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, and the Goddard Satellite Data Simulator Unit (G-SDSU). He developed a GPM satellite simulator to support pre-launch algorithm development for the GPM algorithm developer teams, and recently he also developed a polarimetric radar simulator to fully utilize ground-based scanning Dopper polarimetric radars. Dr. Matsui has recently focused on creating NASA’s super sites over NASA Wallops Flight Facility for studying cloud-convection and precipitation processes. He organizes a seminar series of NASA Cloud-Precipitation Center (CPC), and GCE/NU-WRF development teams. He published 60+ journal publications and book chapters.

Step 1: Learn vocabulary and expressions before you watch the interview video.

  • Study some useful vocabulary here.
  • Flashcards and vocab games are available here.
  • Here is a list of some useful words and sample sentences. Study how to use some words.

Vocab List

You can listen to this audio file to check the pronunciation.

Step 2: Watch Video - Interview

Step 3: Check your understanding with the Comprehension quiz!

Take the comprehension quiz here.

Step 4: Supplemental Activities

1. Filler words
  • Read the transcript, paying attention to highlighted words. You may ignore them if you are just trying to understand the factual contents. Speakers use these words to give themselves time (e-series, a- and so-series) and to subtly express their humility (ma-series). The crossed-out parts are the speakers’ self-corrections.
  • Now read the shorter version that have most of the interjections removed. Check the text and the meaning if you are unsure of any part.
  • Check your understanding of the functions of ano and maa here.
2. Polite speech「まして~」

Pay attention to the following patterns:

3. Expressing concepts「という」


4. Key phrase

Memorize the following sentence.

5. Other Useful Expressions

Understand the characteristics of the interviewer’s questions.

Thank you for taking time despite your busy schedule.

I will allow myself to ~; Let me allow myself to ~.

Let me ask a question. Let me start questions. Let me move onto the next question.

Can I ask you to explain? Can I ask you to repeat it? Can I ask you to give an example?



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Language For Professionals