Japanese Language Module 2.1

Japanese Language Module 2

Meet the Speaker

Professor Kohei Asano

Born in 1974 in Tokyo and growing up in Chiba, Professor Asano completed his undergraduate studies in video art and graduate studies in media art at Tokyo Polytechnic University. Many of his interactive installations are designed to encourage communication between people. Professor Asano also teaches in the Department of Media Art of the Faculty of Arts at Tokyo Polytechnic University. You can view his portfolio here.

Step 1: Learn vocabulary and expressions before you watch the interview video.

  • Study some useful vocabulary here.
  • Flashcards and vocab games are available here.

Step 2: Watch Video - Interview

Step 3: Check your understanding with the Comprehension quiz!

Take the comprehension quiz here.

Step 4: Supplemental Activities

1. Read a cleaned transcript here from which all interjections such as eetto, maa, and ano have been removed. (If you want to review how these forms are used, go back to Module 1.2).

Review the video after reading the transcript. You can also check the translation here.

2. Useful Expressions

  • 教員をしております

Professor Asano is a full professor in a Japanese university. However, instead of identifying himself as 教 授 ‘professor’, he uses the term 教員 ‘instructor at an academic institution’ which does not clearly indicate his rank. This type of identification is quite common among Japanese professors.

  • ~(です)とか/~(だ)とか ‘... and etc.’

‘I would like to share various types of knowledge and experiences.’
‘In countries like Japan and Korea, the proper use of language is extremely important.

  • ~という~というis quite frequently observed in Professor Asano’s speech.

In some cases, it can be deleted without significantly changing the meanings as in the following:
体験型の作品を作るというようなことを作家活動でやっています。それらの活動で得たいろい ろな知識ですとか経験というものを大学で実習などを通して学生のみなさんと共有するという仕事をしています。
In these cases, ~という may add the sense that the speaker is approaching the topics conceptually, but often it is inserted merely not to sound too definitive (or arrogant). On the other hand, ~という in the following sentences is used to name something and cannot be deleted.

‘There is an expansive field known as “media art”.’

‘Interactive arti’ is a type of media art.’

3. Translation & Rephrasing

A. Below is Professor Kohei Asano’s bio on his university website. Translate his message into English. You can check a sample translation here.
B. His message here does not contain any ~という because it is a very direct and concise message. Try inserting ~という where appropriate if it were part of a speech.

You can check a sample answer here.

浅野 耕平 教授 プロフィール
東京工芸大学大学院芸術学研究科メディアアート専攻修了。民間企業にて企画開発、販促、営 業職を経て現在に至る。インタラクティブアートを専門とし、様々な角度からコミュニケーシ ョンを考える体験型作品を国内外で多数展示している。メッセージ

なく、他者との関係性の中で何を感じ、何を考え、何を表現するかを共に学んでいきたいと思 います。



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